Scholarships & Financial Aid

Merit Scholarship

AMI scholarships are made available to students 5-18yrs old that exhibit exceptional talent and potential on any available instruments for private lessons or any other AMI program. Merit auditions are scheduled individually and will be awarded at the discretion of AMI. Scholarship students will have two juries per year for review. All scholarship students need to apply and audition every subsequent year. Subsequent year scholarships will be assessed by level of improvement, future income streams and confirmed on an annual basis. To apply for the AMI Merit Scholarship, students must complete the online form between Feb 1st – May 31st deadline. All applications take approximately 2-6wks to process after May 31st.

Financial Aid

AMI offers need-base financial aid to students 5-18yrs old for an available instrument. To apply for financial aid, students must complete the online form with all applicable documents submitted between Feb 1st – May 31st deadline. All applications take approximately 2-6wks to process after May 31st.